You asked for it: TrainingPeaks Integration is here.
After eight weeks of beta testing, we’re excited to announce that the FORM-TrainingPeaks integration is finally here.
If that’s all you came here to read, we won’t hold you back from downloading the latest version of the app, getting your TrainingPeaks workouts in your FORM Goggles, and jumping in for a swim (your coach might be waiting!).
It’s very simple to set up:
Step 1.
Connect your TrainingPeaks account in External Services via your Profile Settings
Even if you have done this in the past, you’ll need to disconnect and reconnect to start using this feature.

Step 2.
Review and edit your draft workouts
All workouts from TrainingPeaks are automatically brought into the FORM app as drafts in the 'My Imports' section within the Home Tab. You’ll need to review these drafts and make any needed updates. Once you approve and save the draft, it will automatically send to your goggles.

Step 3.
Swim your workout like normal
On your goggles you will see a new section called My Imports. This is where you will find all approved TrainingPeaks workouts. When you click into this menu you can swim them as you would any other workout.

If you’re looking for more detail on what you can do with our new TrainingPeaks integration, you can get more information here. If you’re curious about how we got here (and where we plan to go), read on.
Workouts from your Description Box
One of our non-negotiables when launching this feature was being able to support workouts that lived solely in the TrainingPeaks description box. Every coach writes their workouts a little differently: some are written as a single straightforward line of text, while others are short stories filled with notes, context, additional tips, and drill names we’ve never heard of. As you can imagine, this makes capturing the nuances of workout descriptions and translating them into the FORM workout structure tricky.
See it in action. Watch how our FORM text-based import function takes a workout written in the TrainingPeaks description box, converting it instantly into a workout in the FORM app that’s then available to upload on your smart swim goggles.
FORM’s TrainingPeaks text parser magically takes text and turns it into workouts in the FORM app!
We are really confident in the text-based import function, but want to still encourage you to review your workouts before jumping in the water. Doing so will ensure:
- you know what to expect from your workout and bring all your proper equipment with you to the pool,
- you are completing the workout as you, your coach, or your purchased plan intended it to be swum,
- you can make edits to your workout (think: enhancing it with equipment, changing a stroke type, or swapping drills), and
- you can call in sick if you see that your coach planned a Critical Swim Speed (CSS) test.
We’re (mostly) kidding on that last one.
"Most coaches don't realize that the Training Peaks FORM text parser exists or what it can do. From my perspective as a professional coach, it's a game-changer. Once upon a time, we had to write out, then build out, and then load workouts for swimming. Needless to say, this made swim programming one of my most time-consuming tasks. The new FORM text parser makes it quick and accurate for me to just write the workout in the TrainingPeaks description in plain text and have FORM not only download it but accurately program it to my athlete's smart goggles. The time saving for me and the training benefit to the athletes is unparalleled."
Justin TrolleUSAT level 3 Coach
Professional Coach Educator
International Elite Coach
Coming Soon
While we’re happy with the first version of this import feature, we aren’t stopping at “good enough”.
We have improvements lined up for the import experience: from enhancing our text translation to improved usability in workout reviewing. The next thing to come out will be pace efforts that will take the pace value from TrainingPeaks and allow you to use that in our custom workout builder. That will take away the mental math of translating percent to pace and just give you the actual value you need.
We also know TrainingPeaks is not the only platform out there where you get your training from and have plans to extend to other services. Let us know on any of our social media channels which integration we should work on next.
Until then, see you in the pool!